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Name Surname Nationality Gender Istitution Starting Date Duration Project title
1854 damien-gaudin mini ESR#1 Damien Gaudin France Male INGV 01-09-2012 24 mon. Observations and modelling of magma vesiculation and pyroclast ejection in explosive volcanism
Deepak Garg mini ESR#2 Deepak Garg India Male INGV 01-12-2012 36 mon. Model and code for fluid-rock interaction dynamics in volcanic systems
Delgado mini ESR#3 Francisco Delgado Vences
Mexico Male
INGV 01-11-2012 36 mon. Mixed deterministic/stochastic approach for the simulation of volcanic processes
lena mini ESR#4 Lena Cauchie
Belgium Female INGV 01-11-2012 24 mon. Probabilistic inversion of observed and simulated geophysical data at volcanoes
PTierz mini ESR#5 Pablo Tierz Spain Male INGV 15-01-2013 18 mon. Bayesian Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment (PVHA)
SENGWELL mini ESR#6 Samantha Engwell UK Female INGV  01-10-2013  18 mon The dynamics of co-ignimbrite plumes
beatriz martinez mini ESR#7 Beatriz Martinez Montesinos Spain Female UCD 01-09-2013 24 mon Improved Description of Path Effects on Volcanoes Using Numerical Modelling Tools
jthun mini ESR#8 Johannes Thun Germany Male UCD 10-09-2012 36 mon. Analysis of LP and Tremor events from very high density seismological networks
montanaro mini ESR#9 Cristian Montanaro Italy Male DEES 15-08-2012 30 mon. Explosivity of gas-overpressure and vapour-explosion driven fragmentation in volcanic systems
laura spina mini ESR#10 Laura Spina
Italy Female DEES 01-10-2012 30 mon. Influence of decompression path on the eruption behaviour: A Lab approach with analogue material and silicate melts
julie op mini ESR#11 Julie Oppenheimer France Female DESB 01-09-2012 36 mon. Gas transport and flow regimes in crystal-bearing magmas
karen strehlow mini ESR#12 Karen Strehlow Germany Female DESB 01-01-2013 24 mon. Models of magma-aquifer interaction and associated hazards
antonio capponi mini ESR#13 Antonio Capponi Italy Male ULANC 01-11-2012 36 mon. Experimental volcanology: linking fluid dynamics and volcano seismo-acoustic signals
A Marti NEMOH mini ESR#14 Alex Martì
Spain Male
BSC 15-01-2013  36 mon. On-line coupling of volcanic ash and aerosols transport with
global and regional meteorological models
Reynolds Hannah mini ESR#15 Hannah Reynolds British Female IES 15-01-2013 24 mon. Understanding geophysical signals associated with magma and heat transfer
Werner mini ESR#16 Werner Wittmann German Male IES 15-01-2013 24 mon. Modelling of volcano deformation and heat-flow variations at volcanoes
trovato mini ESR#17 Claudio Trovato
Italy Male
BRGM 05-11-2012 36 mon. Source and structural properties of volcanoes: advanced numerical modeling and integration of field data
eduardo rossi mini ESR#18 Eduardo Rossi
Italy Male
UNIGE 01-11-2012 36 mon. Numerical simulation of transport processes in volcanic environments and volcanic tephra hazard

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