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NEMOH Schools in Ireland

3rd NEMOH School in Dublin - REPORT

3rd NEMOH School in Dublin

by Johannes Thun and Karen Strehlow

IMG 3389Directly after the field school in Iceland, 16 exhausted yet happy NEMOHs fellows moved on to Ireland, where the next school was held from 1-5 September 2014 at University College Dublin (UCD). Due to the on-going eruption on Holuhraun/ Bárðarbunga, Hannah and Werner were left behind to deal with the situation.
Together with a few more affiliates from various institutions, the rest of us were introduced into inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology.
The lectures and exercises on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday were given by researchers with different backgrounds from mathematics and (geo)physics to geology. After getting a general idea of inversion problems (Ivan Lokmer, UCD and Antonio Emolo, University of Naples), the lectures by Louis de Barros (University of Nice) and Michele Barsanti (INGV Pisa) set the mathematical basis for solving inverse problems. Antonio Emolo and Gilberto Saccorotti (INGV Pisa) showed us different approaches on how linear and non-linear inversions are carried out, what problems they bring along and how results and uncertainties can be interpreted.
IMG 3339Wednesday was the day to be socially proactive and started with the Marie Curie Open Day in Dún Laoghaire, which was dedicated to school kids of ages 8-11. Using the experience from our previous Open Days, we presented some of our well-proven experiments as well as new ones and showed the children how volcanoes work and how we can investigate them. The feedback we got was great and this was probably our best outreach day so far. In the afternoon we set sail in Dún Laoghaire harbour and lecturers and students got to know each other better during a sunny sailing lesson on the Irish Sea, followed by a well-deserved dinner at a local yacht club. Ahoy!
On the final lecture day, Louis de Barros and Elías Rafn Heimisson (University of Iceland, thanks for spontaneously substituting Freysteinn!) talked about inverse problems in volcanology.  In the afternoon, Costanza Bonadonna (University of Geneva) and Laura and Chuck Connor (University of South Florida) lectured on simulations and inversions of tephra fallout and gave us a corresponding computer exercise using the Tephra2 code.
On Friday all present NEMOH ESRs were to give an exercise talk to a lay audience, which was evaluated and judged by communication expert Patrick Sutton, director of The Gaiety School of Acting and Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin, assisted by Kathy Cashman and Costanza Bonadonna. We also got valuable feedback on our performances. Congratulations to our winners Alex, Julie and Damien!

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NEMOH Schools in Dublin

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NEMOH School in Dublin (Ireland) - REPORT

Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology

August 31st - September 5th, 2014

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The School will focus on illuminating the concepts and applications of inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology. The main research objective in investigating volcanoes is to gain knowledge about  internal volcano dynamics from the surface measurements of various data types. In order to achieve this, such data need to be “inverted” into the causes (dynamic processes) underlying their generation. However, it is sometimes difficult to assess the uncertainty in the inversion, that is, to estimate how well our obtained answer describes the true process. This is particularly difficult task in the presence of strong structural heterogeneity. For example, in the case of volcano-seismic source inversion, recent studies have shown that unmodelled shallow structural heterogeneity can lead to completely erroneous solutions, in terms of their magnitude, source-time histories and source mechanisms.  Therefore, apart from the main concepts and the basic mathematical formalism of inverse methods, the School will pay special attention to issues related to uncertainties. The lectures will be complemented by practical sessions, where inversions of real and synthetic data will be performed.

Although some mathematical knowledge is required, lectures will be suitable for a non-mathematical audience.

  • A basic knowledge of MATLAB is desirable, for full participation in the practical sessions.  
  • The school is limited to 30 participants.
  • Participation of all NEMOH Early Stage Researchers (18) is expected, but applications from outside NEMOH are welcome (12 places anticipated).
  • Deadline for Application: 23/05/2014
  • Information about Acceptance: 02/06/2014

List of Lecturers include:

Ivan Lokmer (University College Dublin)
Antonio Emolo (University of Naples)
Louis de Barros (University of Nice)
Michele Barsanti (INGV Pisa)
Gilberto Saccorotti (INGV, Pisa)
Freysteinn Sigmundsson (University of Iceland)
Chuck Connor (University of South Florida)
Costanza Bonadonna (University of Geneva)


UCD, Belfield Dublin 4 –


NEMOH Schools in Dublin - Accepted Applicants

NEMOH field school in Dublin

School Agenda

Application Form


Name Surname Affiliation
Karen Strehlow University of Bristol
Samantha Engwell INGV Sezione di Pisa
John Browning Royal Holloway, University of London
Eduardo Rossi University of Geneva
Cauchie Léna INGV-Pisa
Portal Angélie Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
Marine Tridon Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Werner Wittmann University of Iceland - IES
KELLIN SCHMIDT University of Brazilian
Elizabeth Swanon University of Bristol
Elías Rafn Heimisson University of Iceland
Damien Gaudin INGV Roma
Julie Oppenheimer University of Bristol
Hannah Iona Reynolds University of Iceland
Antonio Capponi Lancaster University
ELENA GONZALEZ National Geographic Institute of Spain
Jessica Feenstra Golder Associates Inc.
Cristian Montanaro Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München
Pablo Tierz INGV Bologna
Marco Fazio University of Portsmouth
Giuseppe Nichilo Universitat de Barcelona
elena cristiano Istituto nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Osservatorio Vesuviano
Santiago Arellano Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology
Beatriz Martinez Montesinos UCD
Johannes Thun University College Dublin
Francisco Javier Delgado Vences INGV - Pisa
Claudio Trovato BRGM
Laura Spina Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Section for Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Ludwig Maximilians Universitat
Alex Marti BSC

NEMOH School in Dublin - Application Form


NEMOH School in Dublin - How do I apply

NEMOH field school in Dublin

 School Agenda


How do I apply?

• Click on the “Apply now!” link to start the application.
• Fill in all sections of the application respecting the size limit in each field.
• Click on "Submit"
• Wait 48 hours for a e-mail confirming that your application has been correctly registered (In case you don't receive it within 48 hours, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
• Check on by June 02, 2014 if your application has been accepted. In case your application has been accepted you will be contacted.
• If you have technical problems with the application, please contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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