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NEMOH School in Stromboli

Stromboli 2013

May 18 - 23, 2013

NEMOH School in Stromboli

 Volcano Monitoring and Surveillance

 The NEMOH field school on Volcano Monitoring and Surveillance was held at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, on May 18-24, 2013.  The main goal of the school was to train a group of young researchers on the practice of data gathering at active volcanoes, and to learn how the different measured parameters can be used for constraining models of the volcano and evaluating the associated hazards. The first two days of the School were dedicated to introductory classes on Stromboli volcano and the Strombolian activity, the strategies for hazard assessment and risk mitigation, and a summary description of the geophysical and geochemical signals which are recorded on that volcano. A subsequent visit to the Advanced Operative Center (COA) from the Italian Department of Civil Protection served to show the  practice of modern volcano surveillance, and how the data from remote monitoring instruments are used for rapid hazard assessment.

 The following two days focused on the practice of volcano monitoring. For each of these two days, young researchers were divided into two groups: one climbing to the summit of the volcano, the other hiking at intermediate elevation.  Participants from the former group practiced on the deployment and operation of mobile instrumentation. They installed a digital seismometer, deployed infrasound sensors, measured gas plume concentration using UV cameras, operated high-speed and thermal IR cameras. Activities of the second group were instead dedicated to visiting permanent instrumentations, such as a land-based SAR system, GPS and EDM stations, and to learn about the genesis and depositional processes of several relevant outcrops.
Days 5 and 6 into the school were dedicated to practical exercises, in which young researchers directly practiced the processing and analysis of the multidisciplinary data sets collected during the previous days. Together with lecturers, students were also involved into an expert elicitation exercise, in which they had to express themselves about the significance of the different monitoring parameters in terms of hazard evaluation.

 School was scheduled to terminate by the evening of day 6 (May 23), when all participants were supposed to board on a nightly boat heading to Napoli. That night, however, navigation was inherited by a major storm, accompanied by spectacular 10-meter-high sea waves. All participants were thus constrained to an extra day of permanence on the island; that implied an impressive workload for our administrative heroine, who provided egregious assistance in modifying individual travel plans. The day after, most of the participants achieved leaving the island on a shaking boat trip, which brought them to Sicilian lands.  Undoubtedly, that cruise is among the most unforgettable rememberings of the school.

 The school represented a great opportunity for observing a volcano at work, in turn addressing the numerous and complicate issues associated with the measurement of open-conduit processes. Students formed a variegate group who responded lively and enthusiastically whenever a personal involvement was required, either for carrying batteries or expressing opinions in the elicitation exercise.  The school thus also represented a formidable occasion for strengthening the cohesion of a community of young researchers, who will soon contribute at establishing the strategies of quantitative volcanological studies at an European level.


The school in numbers:


31 young researchers (15 NEMOH fellows, 16 affiliates)
10 different countries of provenance
19 different affiliations
16 teachers (8 from the NEMOH network and 8 external)




*pics were taken by Daniele Andronico, Alessandro Fornaciai, Raffaela Pignolo, Piergiorgio Scarlato, Karen Strehlow (LMU)




NEMOH School in Stromboli - How do I apply

How do I apply?

• Click on the “Apply now!” link to start the application.
• Fill in all sections of the application respecting the size limit in each field.
• Click on "Submit"
• Wait 48 hours for a e-mail confirming that your application has been correctly registered (In case you don't receive it within 48 hours, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
• Check on by April 22, 2013 if your application has been accepted. In case your application has been accepted you will be contacted.
• If you have technical problems with the application, please contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Application is closed!


NEMOH School in Stromboli - Scientific Program

NEMOH School in Stromboli



May 18 - 23, 2013

NEMOH School in Stromboli - Scientific Program

- History and activity
- Civil Protection activities for the mitigation of the volcanic risk
-Dynamics and products of Strombolian activity
- Models of slug origin and ascent dynamics
-Geophysical and geochemical signals associated with explosive activity

- Seismic signals
- Infrasonic signals
- Deformation signals
- Ground-based SAR
- Geochemical signals

- Use of instrumentation
- Observation of the eruptive activity
- Sampling of erupted products

Signal processing
- Analysis of collected signals (small groups formed)

- Interpretation of monitoring signals
- Elicitation methods, hazard estimate



Lecturers and activity support
- D. Andronico
- A. Aiuppa

- W. Aspinall
- A. Bonforte
- C. Cardaci

- N. Casagli
- L. D'Auria
- M. James
- U. Kueppers
- L. Lodato
- M. Martini

- W. Marzocchi
- P. Papale
- G. Puglisi
- M. Ripepe
- M. Rosi
- G. Saccorotti
- L. Sandri
- P. Scarlato
- G. Tamburello
- J. Taddeucci



NEMOH School in Stromboli

Scientific Program



May 18 - 23, 2013

Administrative and Logistic Management: Raffaela Pignolo

 Technical Management: Alessandro Fornaciai

NEMOH School in Stromboli  - REPORT

The island of Stromboli is the 924 m high emerged part of an active ~ 3000 m high stratovolcano belonging to the Aeolian volcanic arc (South Tyrrhenian Sea). The volcanic activity is concentrated at eruptive vents at about 700 m asl above the Sciara del Fuoco, a major landslide scar bounded by steep walls. The eruptive products are mostly lava flows and subordinate pyroclastic deposits, subvolcanic intrusions and epiclastic deposits.
Stromboli is famous for its exceptionally persistent activity that started in a period dated between the 3rd and the 7th century A.D. and has continued until now without significant interruptions or modifications. The persistent activity consists of mild intermittent explosions, lasting for a few seconds and taking place every 10-20 minutes on average, associated with continuous streaming of gas. That activity is periodically interrupted by more energetic explosions (paroxysms) the products of which can affect the slopes of the volcano down to the coast, or by effusive events outpouring lava onto the slopes of Sciara del Fuoco.



The objective of the school is to provide participants with an interdisciplinary knowledge on the methods of monitoring and surveillance of an active volcano, and on the methods to estimate its current hazard. The school aims at Early Stage Researchers and PhD students, who will be introduced to "state of the art" at one of the most monitored volcanoes in the world. The  surveillance system includes broad-band seismic stations, ground-based SAR, high-speed visible light and infrared cameras, infrasonic microphones, GPS system, strain meters, gas plume FTIR, etc.
The students will be trained on the use in the field of such instruments, and on the processing and analysis of the retrieved signals. The summit eruptive activity will be observed, measured, and sampled. A specific exercise will be conducted in order to extract through formalized procedures a group opinion on the current level of hazard at the volcano.

The number of participants will be limited to 30.

Participants from outside NEMOH will be selected on the basis of the relevance of the School for their current research themes.

Only participants registering for the whole week will be considered.

  • Deadline for Registration: 14/04/2013
  • Information about Acceptance: 22/04/2013

DOWNLOAD the 1st circular:


18/05/2013 (7am) Arrival on the island
18/05/2013 Introduction to Stromboli volcanism
19/05/2013 (AM) Visit to the Advanced Operational Centre of the Department of Civil Protection
19/05/2013 (PM) Lessons on signals recorded at Stromboli
20 - 21/05/2013 Field Activities
22/05/2013 Exercises
23/05/2013 Exercises and final discussion
23/05/2013 (22pm) Departure

School costs

School costs for participants from outside NEMOH are kept to a minimum, and amount to 440 EUR including hotel (double accomodation), breakfasts and meals, catering, conference room, equipment rentals and other school material, and professional guides on the volcano. No additional costs are requested as school fees.


Villaggio Stromboli


For further details please contact: nemoh-itn (AT)


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