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HomeEventsNEMOH kick-off meeting

The NEMOH Kick Off Meeting

Pisa, February 6-7, 2012

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Venue: hotel Santacroce in Fossabanda, Pisa, Italy.

Administrative and Logistic Management: Raffaela Pignolo

Technical Management: Alessandro Fornaciai

Participation List


 February 5  Arrival in Pisa
18:00 Welcome meeting and cocktail   
 February 6  Day 1
8:45 Meeting of partecipants  Coffee available 
9:00-10:00 INGV P. PAPALE Welcome and Introduction Brief survey of main Project tasks, activities, and events Identification of Supervisory Board (Members and Secretary) 
10:00-10:30 INGV A. FORNACIAI Outline of web-driven networking activities (15 minutes + Discussion) 
10:30-11:00 Coffee break 
INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH PROJECTS (15 minutes + Discussion)    
Chair: Paolo Papale
11:00-11:30 INGV ESR1 J. TADDEUCCI Magma vesiculation and pyroclast ejection in explosive volcanism
11:30-12:00 DEES ESR9 B. SCHEU Fragmentation in volcanic systems
12:00-12:30 DEES ESR10 B. SCHEU Decompression path and eruption behaviour
12:30-13:00 DESB ESR11 A. RUST/K. CASHMAN Gas transport in magmas
13:00-13:30 ULANC ESR13 M. JAMES Bubble dynamics and seismo-acoustic signals
13:00-14:55 Lunch      
14:55 Re-convene
Chair: Hormoz Modaressi
15:00-15:30 UNIGE ESR18 C. BONADONNA Transport of volcanic tephra and hazard
15:30-16:00 INGV ESR4 G. SACCOROTTI Inversion of geophysical data
16:00-16:30 UCD ESR8 I. LOKMER LP and tremor analyses
16:30-17:00 Coffee break 
17:00-17:30 BRGM ESR17 M. DE MICHELE Source and structural properties of volcanoes
17:30-17:00 UCD ESR7 C. BEAN Structural imagery on volcanoes
18:00-18:30 INGV ESR2 A. LONGO Fluid-rock interaction dynamics
87:30-19:00 IES ESR15 S. HREINSDOTTIR Volcano deformation and heat variations
19:00 Adjourn
20:30 Social Dinner 
 February 7   Day 2 
8:45 Meeting of partecipants  Coffee available 
Chair: Kathy Cashman
9:00-9:30 IES ESR16 M.T. GUDMUNDSSON Signals from magma and heat transfer
9:30-10:00 DESB ESR12


Magma-aquifer interaction
10:00-10:30 INGV ESR6 A. NERI Explosive eruption dynamics and their hazards
10:30-11:00 Coffee break 
11:00-11:30 BSC ESR14 A. FOLCH Ash-aerosol transport and meteorological models
11:30-12:00 DMA ESR3 F. FLANDOLI Deterministic-probabilistic modeling of volcanic processes
12:00-12:30 INGV ESR5 L. SANDRI Bayesian probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment
Chair: Paolo Papale
Overview on hazard & risk assessment methods by Partners A&A and I2EM    
12:30-12:45 A&A W. ASPINALL
12:45-13:00 I2EM O. JAQUET  Probabilistic estimation of volcanic hazard
Overview of Civil Protection activities in volcanic hazard    
13:00-13:15 DPC C. CARDACI  DPC - Overview of Civil Protection in Italy
13:45 Closure


The NEMOH Kick Off Meeting

Pisa, February 6-7, 2012

Venue: hotel Santacroce in Fossabanda, Pisa, Italy.


Participation List

 Istitution   Name/Surname
 INGV  Paolo Papale
 Gilberto Saccorotti
 Piergiorgio Scarlato
 Laura Sandri
 Augusto Neri
 Antonella Longo
Tomaso Esposti Ongaro
 Sara Barsotti
 Mattia De’ Michieli Vitturi
 Carmela (Lilli) Freda
 Jacopo Taddeucci
 Lena Cauchie
 Raffaela Pignolo (Management)
 Alessandro Fornaciai (Networking)
 UCD Chris Bean
Ivan Lokmer
 DEES  Bettina Scheu    
 Uli Kueppers
 DESB  Alison Rust
 Kathy Cashman
 ULANC  Mike James
 BSC  Arnau Folch
 Chiara Scaini
 IES  Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson
 Sigrun Hreinsdottir
 BRGM  Hormoz Modaressi
 Marcelo De Michele
 UNIGE  Costanza Bonadonna
 Corine Frischknecht
 Irene Manzella
 A&A  Willy Aspinall
 I2EM  Olivier Jaquet
 DPC  Chiara Cardaci
 Stefano Ciolli
 DMA  Franco Flandoli
 Michele Barsanti


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