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Open/free Software and Code

  • RGeoS : general purpose package for geostatistical calculations under the R environment for statistical computing and graphics. This package is developed and maintained by the École des Mines de Paris
  • GMT: graphical general purpose software package for mapping, developed and maintained by the University of Hawaii
  • CONDUIT4: A code for computing steady, isothermal, multiphase non-equilibrium flow of magma in volcanic conduits. The code solves the mass balance and momentum balance equations for a gas phase and a dense phase, separately, representing magma flowing inside a vertical conduit. The CONDUIT4 code described here is based on the following paper: P. Papale (2001), Dynamics of magma flow in volcanic conduits with variable fragmentation efficiency and nonequilibrium pumice degassing. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106: 11043-11065, DOI: 10.1029/2000JB900428.That paper should be referenced when using results obtained with CONDUIT4.
  • FALL3D is an Eulerian model for the transport and deposition of volcanic tephra developed at Barcelona Supercomputing Center in collaboration with the Geo-ELFS group at the INGV, Naples, Italy. The model solves the advection-diffusion-sedimentation equation using a finite difference explicit scheme. This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  • BET (Bayesian Event Tree):The BET model represents a flexible tool to provide probabilities of any specific event at which we are interested in, by merging any kind of available and relevant information, such as theoretical models, a priori beliefs, monitoring measures, and past data. It is mainly based on a Bayesian procedure and it relies on the fuzzy approach to manage monitoring data. The method deals with short- and long-term forecasting, therefore it can be useful in many practical aspects, as land use planning, and during volcanic emergencies.
  • EFISPEC3D: a computer program that solves the three-dimensional equations of motion using a continuous Galerkin spectral finite element method. It is portable on most Unix systems with FORTRAN/C compilers and a MPI library. EFISPEC3D is free software under double licenses ( CeCILL V2 and GNU GPL V3).
  • AshCalc v1.1. Online tool to calculate volumes of tephra fall deposits
  • PyBetVH. The main purpose of this software is to provide a graphically supported computation of long-term probabilities of volcanic hazardous phenomena (i.e., lava flows, tephra fall, pyroclastic flows, lahars, etc.) through the Bayesian Event Tree model for Volcanic Hazard (BET_VH, Marzocchi et al., 2010). The model represents a flexible tool to provide probabilities of any specific event at which we are interested in, by merging all the available information, such as models, a priori beliefs, and past data. It is mainly based on a Bayesian procedure, in order to quantify the aleatory and epistemic uncertainty characterizing the impact of volcanic eruptions in terms of hazard assessment. The method deals only with long-term forecasting, therefore in principle it can be useful for land use planning. This version introduces as main outputs the Hazard Curves (HC), showing the exceeding probability as function of the chosen intensity measure (e.g., the tephra load in kg/m2). The HC are provided together with their uncertainties (percentiles) through Bayesian inference and the user can explore the hazard results visualizing both Probability and Hazard Maps. For further information you can visit the group at (Marzocchi W., Sandri L., Selva J. (2010) BETVH: a probabilistic tool for long-term volcanic hazard assessment, Bull. Volcanol., 72, 705-716, DOI: 10.1007/s00445-010-0357-8)
  • Computation of the H2O+CO2 saturation conditions (re: Papale et al., 2006), density (Lange, 1994) and viscosity (Giordano et al., 2008), of liquid and liquid+bubbles magmas of any composition and for any P-T condition.

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