NEMOH Final Conference - REPORT
16 - 17 - 18 November 2015
Palazzo Platamone - Catania Culture Building
Catania (Sicily), Italy
The Final NEMOH Conference is the conclusive event of a 4-years path during which 18 international young scientists have been trained in different quantitative aspects of volcanology. NEMOH developed through both background training and more specialized training tailored to the specific research carried out by the single fellows, according to continuously updated Personal Career Development Plans.
The Conference will allow the NEMOH fellows to present and discuss their scientific activity and achievements, and will expose them to a top-level selection of international volcano scientists and related sectors of the industry. Open issues as well as current and future trends in several aspects of volcano science will be discussed. An overarching goal is that of completing the training under NEMOH by inviting the fellows to interact with senior colleagues in order to identify relevant developments for the next future, that might catalyze research activities in volcano science for the years coming.
Registration is mandatory for non-invited participants
Acceptance is subject to restrictions due to maximum capacity allowed, above which the registration will be closed
Palazzo Platamone - Catania Culture Building
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 121
Comune di Catania
Sicily (Italy)
Program - Download pdf