NEMOH Final Network School
November 09 – November 14, 2015
Linguaglossa, Catania, Italy
VOLCANIC HAZARDS: From Observations to Forecasts
The school is aimed at young scientists at Ph.D and Post-Ph.D level. The number of participants is limited to 30. Participants different from NEMOH fellows will be selected on the basis of the relevance of the course for their current research activities.
All participants should bring their own laptop.
November 08, h. 20.00: Icebreaker.
November 09-11: Volcano crisis exercise.
The students will be introduced to scientific response to volcano emergencies, in a structured exercise where they will react to ground-truth signals and observations from a hypothetical crisis at Mount Etna. Different groups of students will constitute each a “volcano observatory”, updated on the current observations and measurements by the scientific personnel in charge of volcano monitoring and surveillance at Mount Etna, and supported in their response activities by that personnel as well as by international experts providing wider perspectives on how to interpret volcanic signals, forecast volcano behaviors, and manage the scientific aspects of a volcanic crisis. Structured exercises to extract group opinions will be carried out. The different responses and evaluations will be daily presented by each group, then compared and discussed, in a plenary afternoon session.
November 10, h. 20.30: Social “San Martino day” dinner at a farmhouse, with new-wine testing.
November 12: Guided visit to the summit area of Mount Etna.
Cost for access and tour inside the park and summit area: 30 euros per person, to be payed on-site to the service-providing company for transport to the summit area and mandatory guides. If the weather does not allow that, it will be replaced by social activities, to be defined.
November 13: Marie Curie Open Day.
The students will interact with scholars and the general public, illustrating how volcanoes work, talking of their studies and their experiences as young scientists in volcanology, and describing the opportunities provided by EC Marie Curie actions.
November 14: Training on project preparation and writing.
The opportunities for both bottom-up (ERC, IF MC) and top-down (Cooperation-style) projects at EU level will be illustrated. The students will be trained on how to search and read a call, and how to set up a proper proposal; examples of typical mistakes and successful proposals at EU level will be analyzed and discussed.
The minimum attendance allowed includes arrival on Nov 8 in the evening, and departure on Nov 12 in the morning. Students are however welcome to attend the entire School up to Nov 15 (departure in the morning). The days of attendance and nights of stay must be indicated in the registration form.
There are no registration fees; each student shall pay only a contribution to the true costs, amounting to a forfeit of 65 euros per day, to be paid on-site, inclusive of accommodation in double or triple room, breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, social dinner, school materials, transfer from-to Catania city or airport at scheduled times, and additional transfers during the school days. The guided tour on the summit area of Mount Etna on Nov 13 costs additional 30 euros, to be payed on-site to the service-providing company.
Volcanic Hazards overview:
Paolo Papale
Volcano Monitoring and Forecasts:
Daniele Andronico
Alessandro Bonforte
Stefano Branca
Andrea Cannata
Rosa Anna Corsaro
Gilda Currenti
Cinzia Federico
Salvatore Gambino
Marco Liuzzo
Antonio Paonita
Eugenio Privitera
Giuseppe Puglisi
Gilberto Saccorotti
Giuseppe Salerno
Jacopo Selva
International advice:
Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson
Giovanni Macedonio
Christopher Newhall
Project preparation and writing:
Fabrizio Storti
Paolo Papale
Raffaela Pignolo
Deadline for registration: 12/10/2015
Information on acceptance: 16/10/2015
Scientific Organization: Paolo Papale, Eugenio Privitera, Gilberto Saccorotti
School Administration and Management: Raffaela Pignolo
Graphics and web management: Alessandro Fornaciai
Casa San Tommaso
P.zza Ambrogio Gullo, 2, 95015 Linguaglossa (CT)