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NEMOH School in Iceland: Instrcution for accepted applicants

Preliminary School Agenda

NEMOH field school in Iceland

List of accepted Applicants


Instruction for accepted applicants

How to proceed now:

1) Arrange for payment of the 750 euro fee for the course.

To confirm your acceptance of this offer and that you can be in Iceland 22-29 August for the school, you will need to arrange for payment of the 750 euro school fee before 15 May.

You should have receive detailed bank information via mail. If not, please contact Alessandro Fornaciai (fornaciai AT

The fee covers in-country costs from the school start (18:30 on August 22 when we will meet in Reykjavik) until the end of the school (August 29 at 17:00 hours, our planned arrival time in Reykjavik at the end of the school).
During the time of the school the fee covers:
- Accommodation in shared rooms;
- Provisions;
- Educational materials;
- Transfer
2.1) NEMOH Fellows: Update you Curriculum Vitae on NEMOH website.

2.2) External students: Send an updated Curriculum Vitae to Werner Wittman (wew1 (AT) so we have full overview of background of all the participants
3) Start planning your travel to Iceland.

Travel to Iceland is not covered by the school fee and you need to arrange this yourself.
Flights fill up quickly so please arrange soon (see
Please note that there are many flights from European destinations that arrive in the afternoon of 22 August, allowing enough time to get from the airport to Reykjavik for the planned bus departure to the school venue at 18:30.
You may, however, need extra nights in Reykjavik before or after the school considering your flights. All this needs also to be arranged for yourself.
For advice on flights and logistics before and after the school period in Iceland, please contact Hannah Reynolds (hir10 (AT) or Werner Wittman (wew1 (AT) If further information is needed on how to carry out the payment, please contact Alda Gudmundsdottir (aldag (AT)

For other general information, contact Freysteinn Sigmundsson (fs (AT)


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