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Munich 2013

1st NEMOH Network School

Volcanoes and Magmas: An Introduction to Experimental Volcanology

17-23 February 2013

The 1st NEMOH Network School on took place from 17-22 February 2013 at the LMU Muenchen.  26 young researchers (14 NEMOH fellows and 12 external students) from 11 different countries formed a highly international and lively group of participants bringing with them wide differences of background knowledge in volcanology.  The participants were trained by 15 lecturers, the majority from within the NEMOH Consortium including four externals, in various aspects of experimental volcanology. The aim of the school was to introduce all participants to basic concepts of volcanic processes and experimental volcanology.

The first day of the school were dedicated to lectures on volcanic processes, eruption styles and the techniques used to monitor volcanoes, including the merits of multidisciplinary approaches to study volcanoes.  On the second and the third day of the school the participants learned about physical properties of silicate melts, the rheology of  magmas and rocks as well as how to study them in the lab by using either natural material or analogue experiments.  The lectures were flanked by visits to the various state-of the art laboratories for experimental volcanology at the LMU Muenchen. The first two-and-half days were rounded up with an enjoyable trip to the snow-covered Bavarian Alps where participants and lecturers were introduced to a popular German winter activity: sledging! Several sledging runs later the entire group went for dinner at a traditional restaurant warming up cold hands and feet. During the last two days of the school the students were trained by lectures and examples in best practice of experimental data and digital signal processing as well as laboratory exercises on magma properties.

During the school the young researchers had the possibility to present their projects in poster sessions including a short oral introduction of their poster to the entire group. The poster award committee had a hard time decide for the best presentation out of a consistently high level of presentations. Finally the poster award of the 1rst NEMOH school went to Johannes Thun (UCD), again congratulations!

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Scientific Program
Social Program
Outreach Activity: Marie Curie Open Day
Application Form
Participation Fees and Payment


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