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NEMOH Schools in Iceland - Agenda

NEMOH field school in Iceland

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The information on this web page is provisional and will be updated as planning proceeds. Please check this page regularly.

 2013 hekla wittman img 014NEMOH Field School in Iceland

Volcano Deformation and Magmatic Processes

Date: 22-29 August 2014
Location: Hotel Leirubakki, South Iceland

Preliminary schedule:

August 22 

Arrival in Iceland. 18:30 Bus departure from Reykjavik to Leirubakki. School opening. Light meal and refreshments.

August 23 - Lecture day I 

9:00 Iceland volcanism.
  Techniques for crustal deformation studies.   
  The link between deformation and magmatic processes.
 nature14:30 Practical exercises in groups: (GPS field work, levelling, InSAR, strain, data analysis, interpretation of data)

August 24 - Field trip I

Hekla and surroundings – monitoring equipment - tephra stratigraphy.

August 25 - Lecture day II:  Deformation – what have we learned.

  Iceland case studies
  Strain (Alan Linde)
  Italy case studies (Giuseppe Puglisi)
14:30 Practical exercises in groups: (GPS field work, levelling, InSAR, strain, data analysis, interpretation of data)

August 26 - Lecture day III

  Modelling of deformation (Andy Hooper)
  Frontiers in crustal deformation research.
  Combining deformation studies with other type of studies
14:30 Practical exercises in groups: (GPS field work, levelling, InSAR, strain, data analysis, interpretation of data)

August 27 - Field trip II

Landmannalaugar and Eldgjá – the Eastern Volcanic Zone

August 28 - Lecture day IV

Analysis of GPS data
Analysis of InSAR data
Student presentation of selected papers on volcano deformation

August 29 

9:00 Departure.  Gullfoss, Geysir, Western Volcanic Zone and Þingvellir graben. Hengill Central Volcano.  Arrival in Reykjavik 17:00.

August 30 

Departure from Iceland.


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