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Samantha Engwell

Samantha Engwell


Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
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The dynamics of co-ignimbrite plumes


Personal Project in NEMOH

The goal of my research in NEMOH is to characterize and model co-ignimbrite plumes. These plumes form as fine material is elutriated from the top of pyroclastic density currents and can be dispersed over continental sized areas. However, the fine-grained nature of the resultant deposits means that they are often transient in the geological record and as such, little data has been collected on the characteristics of co-ignimbrite ash. In the first instance, fieldwork will be conducted to identify and analyse co-ignimbrite deposits. Information acquired will be used in numerical models to simulate co-ignimbrite plume formation and dispersion with an aim of assessing hazard from such events.

Scientific Background

In December 2009 I completed a Masters by Research in Natural Hazards at the University of Bristol, during which I investigated and used numerical models to simulate lahars on Galeras volcano in Colombia. In January 2010 I began research towards my PhD with Prof. Steve Sparks and Prof. Willy Aspinall, also at the University of Bristol. My research to date has included assessment of uncertainties in tephra thickness measurements and in volumes determined using isopach maps using a number of statistical methods. I have also characterized deposits from the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption, using sub-aerial, deep-sea and lacustrine deposits and have used the physical characteristics of the deposits to provide information regarding the Plinian and co-ignimbrite phases of the eruption. Most recently I have conducted work at the university of Melbourne with Prof. Peter Baines whereby a model was developed to investigate the effect of wind on volcanic plume intrusion into the atmosphere.

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