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1st NEMOH Network School - Science

Author Title Author Title
cauchie poster nemoh lmu Léna CAUCHIE Probabilistic inversion of observed and simulated geophysical data at volcanoes gauden nemohschool feb2013 Damien GAUDEN Observations and modeling of magma vesiculation and pyroclasts ejection in explosive volcanism
john-browning poster John BROWNING PThe mechanics of collapse calderas and landslides in stratovolcanoes and basaltic edifices jthun poster nemoh school 1 Johannes THUN The relationship between long-period volcano seismicity and small deformatiosn of the volcanic edifice
m-kohut poster-nemohinnsbru Marzena A. KOHUT The relationship between long-period volcano seismicity and small deformatiosn of the volcanic edifice nemoh 1st-network-school cr Cristian MONTANARO Explosivity of gas-overpressure and vapour-explosion driven fragmentation in volcanic systems
poster nemoh laura spina Laura SPINA Influence of decompression path on the eruption behaviour: A laboratory approach with analogue material and silicate melts poster-munich-helene-foucar Hélène FOUCART Geochemistry, Melt Inclusions and CSD as Probes for Mantle Melting And Magmatic Differentiation In The Southern Volcanic Zone of Chile: Study of the Osorno Volcano.
reynolds nemoh-school-poste Hannah Iona Reynolds Understanding geophysical signals associated with magma and heat transfer wittmann werner- poster sma Werner Wittmann Modelling of volcano deformation and heat-flow variations at volcanoes
capponi poster nemoh Antonio CAPPONI Experimental Volcanology: Linking fluid dynamics and volcano seismo-acustic signals  tierz Pablo TIERZ  How we can estimate probabilistic volcanic hazard?: Pyroclastic Density Currents (PDC) perspective
a marti poster 1stnemohscho Alex MARTI' On-line coupling of volcanic ash and sulfate aerosols transport with meteorological models julie gas migration regimes Julie OPPENHEIMER Gas migration regimes in crystalline magmas

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