Pablo Tierz
Bayesian Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment (PVHA)
Personal Project in NEMOH
My project consists of two main goals:
1. To examine and compare the probabilistic hazard related to PDC (Pyroclastic Density Current) based on different PDC numerical simulation models. The goal is unravelling the influence each input parameter produces on the final hazard assessment and, overall, on the aleatory and epistemic uncertainties.
2. To review the main experts elicitation methods applied to volcanic crises, and try to merge them into a new protocol to best volcanic crises management.
Scientific Background
I hold the Geology degree as well as a MSc in Geological Research at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). During the last two years, I was working on the main petrological, geochemical and emplacement features of Permian mafic dikes in the Central Pyrenees (Spain). I published some papers in national journals and I collaborated in a paper about the emplacement model of the dikes which it was published in the Journal of Structural Geology (Gil-Imaz et al., 2012).
- Andrés Gil-Imaz,Marceliano Lago-San José,Carlos Galé, Óscar Pueyo-Anchuela,Teresa Ubide, Pablo Tierz, Belén Oliva-Urci 2012. The Permian mafic dyke swarm of the Panticosa pluton (Pyrenean Axial Zone, Spain): simultaneous emplacement with the late-Variscan extension. Journal of Structural Geology 42, 171–183.
About me
I'm a fun person who loves nature and enjoys a lot playing sports like basketball, tennis, table tennis, and also darts. Other hobbies that I have are mainly music and films. I really like to sing my favourite songs and I'm kind of good at learning some scene scripts from my favourite movies too.
Personal Contacts