NEMOH Short Course at BSC - 18-22 March 2013
Introduction to Parallel Programming
Mauricio Hanzich
Senior researcher at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the Spanish National Supercomputing Institute. He is currently researching and developing seismic imaging tools for the oil industry. Prior to this position, he was a professor at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona and information technology consultant for the Argentinian government. Raised in Neuquén, Argentina, Mauricio now lives in Barcelona. He has a PhD degree from the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona and a Bachelor in Computer Science from Universidad del Comahue (Neuquén).
Albert Farres
Researcher at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the Spanish National Supercomputing Institute. He is currently researching and developing seismic imaging tools for the oil industry. He has a MSc degree and a Bachelor in Computer Science from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Felix Rubio
He received his MSc degree in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems in 2010, and is now a PhD candidate at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Currently he is a researcher at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the Spanish National Supercomputing facility, in which he is developing HPC tools for the Oil & Gas industry focusing in NVIDIA GPU and Intel Xeon Phi accelerators.
NEMOH training course at BSC
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