Eduardo Rossi
Numerical simulation of transport processes in volcanic environments and volcanic tephra hazard
Personal Project in NEMOH
The overall goal of this project is to better describe processes of sedimentation from volcanic clouds including particle aggregation, effect of particle morphology on settling speed and convective instabilities through dedicate laboratory experiments. These complex sedimentation processes will be accurately implemented into dedicated models for the compilation of probabilistic hazard assessments (case study of Vulcano island, Italy) in order to quantify uncertainties at different levels (database, scenarios, models, sedimentation processes) and integrate various uncertainties for an optimized hazard assessment
Scientific Background
I graduated in Physics in March 2012 at the University of Pisa with a work on the estimation of the underwater noise in the North Tyrrhenian sea (prof. Gaetano Licitra). My scientific background covers environmental and medical physics and a strong background in astronomy.
About me
Grown in a small town between Florence and Pisa, in the beauty of the Tuscany countryside, I have always thought that Nature is something really related to my life. You can watch the rings of Saturn in a telescope or use a hydrophone in the ocean, but there will be always a common denominator: the fascination to discover how Nature is working. But there is something missing...Why volcanoes? Cause one day you can read Jules Verne and understand that volcanoes are really the gates to the center of the earth.
Personal Contacts
Rue des maraichers,
13, 1205 Geneve +41 22 379 6660