Deepak Garg
Model and code for fluid-rock interaction dynamics in volcanic systems
Personal Project in NEMOH
The main goal of my project is to improve the numeric code GALES, developed at INGV Pisa, for the finite element simulation of the dynamics of a multi-component, compressible magma by including the effects of deformable walls. This extension implies coupling the magma fluid dynamics and the elastic response of rocks, in turn requiring coupled solution of the equations for fluid dynamics, rock mechanics and grid motion. The latter will be treated as elasto-static, subject to time dependent boundary conditions imposed by the motion of the fluid solid interface and of the free Earth surface.
Scientific Background
My scientific background is in Mathematics. I graduated my bachelors(2004-07) and masters honours school(2007-09) from Mathematics Department(Centre for advanced studies) at Panjab University Chandigarh, India. After the completion of Masters I qualified the national entrance test (Dec 2009) in Mathematics and worked as a research fellow(Oct 2010-July 2012). During this period my research was focused on Operations Research with research topic ''task allocation models for distributed computing sysytems
About me
Personal Contacts
Deepak Garg
National Institute of geophysics and Volcanology
Via della faggiola-32 56126, Pisa Italy