Source and structural properties of volcanoes: advanced numerical modeling and integration of field data
Personal Project in NEMOH
The goal of my project is to couple different data, like seismic signals and deformation, in order to better understand the source processes and the volcanic medium response in occasion of major eruption events and normal volcanic activity. To this end, advanced three-dimensional numerical techniques, such as the spectral-element method, will be used to compute surface deformation and wave-field generated from finite-size source in complex media with strong velocity gradient and surface topograph.
Scientific Background
I graduated in July 2012 from the Institute of Earth Sciences of Torino (Italy). My MSc Thesis topic was focused on the study of gas radon emissions on the volcanic Dome of La Soufrière in the Lesser Antilles. In occasion of a 8 months internship at the “Volcanological and seismological observatory of Guadeloupe” in 2010/11 and of a Fieldtrip on Stromboli in January 2012 I discovered the way like scientists work on a volcano. Previously for my Bachelor thesis I worked on the geochemical composition of some hydrothermal sources in the north of Italy.
About me
Born on the 5th May 1985 in Torino (Italy), I grew up in a little town in the countryside. I got hooked on nature, mountains, sea and everything concerned environment. I’ve thus chosen to study geology, because it gave me the opportunity to understand more about the functioning of Earth allowing me attend open air fieldwork sometimes. I love music, sailing and discover the more I can. Volcanoes are simply the amazing thing I ever seen. That’s why, NEMOH.
Personal Contacts
DRP/Risque Seismique et Volcanologique (BRGM)
3 Avenue Claude Guillemin 45060
ORLEANS CEDEX (France) Tél : +33 02 38 64 36 91