GALES - GAlerkin LEast Squares
Transient 2D dynamics of multicomponent multiphase homogeneous fluid mixtures in the compressible-to-incompressible flow regimes. GALES solves the mass conservation of components, and the momentum and energy equations of the multiphase mixture. Mixtures are made of gas, liquid and dispersed solid particles. Phase and mixture properties are computed as a function of local P-T-X conditions, with embedded advanced constitutive equations for melt-gas mixtures (e.g., SOLWCAD). |
Weak form of the transport equations is discretized on ustructured grids with advanced stabilized space-time, time discontinuous, Finite Element Method using Langrangian space-time shape functions. Least squares and discontinuity capturing terms prevent spurious oscillations of the solution with minor smoothing of sharp gradients. The non-linear transport equations are linearized with a Taylor series expansion. Time marching algorithm is of predictor-multicorrector type. |
The code is implemented and organized as a C++ object oriented library, with an extensive use of design patterns and template meta programming paradigms. GALES is a parallel computation MPI-based software employing the Trilinos package (developed by the Sandia Laboratories). Trilinos provides high-level representation for distributed dense and sparse matrices and vectors, as well as efficient tools for parallel computation (matrix multiplication, GMRES linear system iterative solver, etc...). |
Numerical simulation of the dynamics of fluid oscillations in a gravitationally unstable, compositionally stratified fissure. Longo A., D. Barbato, P. Papale, G. Saccorotti and M. Barsanti. From: LANE, S. J. & GILBERT, J. S. (eds) Fluid Motions in Volcanic Conduits: A Source of Seismic and Acoustic Signals, Geological Society, London, Spe. Vol. 307, pp: 33-44, 2008 |
Numerical simulation of convection and mixing in magma chambers replenished with CO2-rich magma Longo A., Vassalli M. , Papale P. and M. Barsanti Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, 2006 doi: 10.1029/2006GL027760 |
Magma convention and mixing dynamics as a source of Ultra-Long-Period oscillations. Longo A., Papale P., Vassalli M., Saccorotti G., Montagna C.P., Cassioli A., Giudice D. and E. Boschi Bull. Volcanol.,2011 doi: 10.1007/s00445-011-0570-0 |